Bacu sa Figu

This is one of the few Sardinian canyons with water flowing. The path is in a beautiful environment, a large granitic valley with lots of doubles (not always ordinary) and an interesting narrow part. Its shortcoming is to be very long and discontinuos, forcing the canyoner to long and tiring walks. The re-entry operations offers that little bit of adventure which never spoils...


Difficulty: v4 a2 IV
Period: march to june
Length: about 3 km
Alt. difference: 550 meters (700 - 150)
Rope descents: 14, higher 37 meters
Bolts: sufficient - 1996
Duration: 6h descent + 1h 30' coming back
Shuttle: 15 km
Equipment: 2 ropes 60 mt long


lower: if you come from the South on the Lotzorai - Talana get to the bridge Coa ‘e serra, just before a cross-roads for Urzulei. Here park the second car. On the contrary, he who comes from the North must go down from Talana towards Lotzorai until reaching the bridge that is soon after the cross-roads for Urzulei.
upper: from Talana go on for about 7.5 km towards Villagrande Strisaili, until reaching a stone bridge over the Bacu. There are two roads to get to Talana: if you arrive from the South leave the SS "Orientale Sarda" SS 125 at Lotzorai and follw the indications for Talana, he who comes from the North must leave the SS125 at the cross-roads for Urzulei; once reached this village follow the indications for Talana.

Approach: enter the river directly from the bridge.

Coming back: about 20’ of walk after the last 37 m high rope descent, reach a river bed part covered with blocks (about 1 cubic meter). On the right there sould be a really hidden path leading back to the bridge; we didn't find it. There are instead some evident remains of a mule-track dry wall rising up on the left. Follow this track for about 20 going half way up the hill, over the river, within a quite luxuriant vegetation. When you think you're lost you'll find near a sheep-fold (it can be useful to follow the little gifts left on the path by the sheeps which probably water at the Bacu) and then from there, in 5’, on a non asphalted road. Go down on the road, cross a litlle affluent of the Bacu, and after about 50 m follow a road on the right, quickly leading to the bridge Coa ‘e Serra.

Copyright © Cica Rude Clan.