Clue d'Haut Jabron

The right canyon for children: a 20 minutes long descent to be repeated like an aqua fan toboggan, in a very beautiful and dark gorge. Anyway, pay attention to the flow.


Difficulty: v2 a2 II
Period: may to october
Length: 400 m
Difference in height: 30 meters (870 - 840)
Rappels: 2, higher 10 meters
Anchors: good - 1999
Duration: 20' approach + 20' + 30' coming back
Shuttle: 0 km
Gear: 1 rope 30 mt long


Access: on the road between Grasse and Castellane, at 10 km far from Castellane, there's a road crossing the route Napoleon, going to La Batie des Peyroules. Take this non asphalted road heading in the opposite direction, towards Les Cloutas, untill a little cottage on the right (about 1 km) where it's possible to park the car.

Approach from the parking, go on the road and turn right at the first junction. In a while, pass over a barrier and go on the path among the wood untill the beginning of the gorge.

Coming back: once at the end of the narrow part, take the path on the right going back to the beginning of the gorge, rising up on a little peak overlooking the gorge.

Copyright © Cica Rude Clan.