Bras du Parc

Short and very engaged canyon in a beautiful and crumbling environment. A few quite high falls, with very little reassuring bolts. Approach is very beautiful.


Difficulty: v4 a2 III
Period: may to october (dry season)
Length: 1,1 km about
Alt. Difference: 160 meters (1000-840)
Calate: 4, higher 45 meters
Bolts: poor - 1998
Duration: 1h 45' approach + 2h 45' descent + 45' coming back
Shuttle: 0 km
Equipment: 2 ropes 60 mt long


Access: take the asphalt road from Hell-Bourg to Ilèt à Vidot and follow the indications for Source Pètrifiante. When the asphalt ends, go on until it's possible, according to the kind of vehicle employed.

Approach: the road goes on heading for Ilèt Trou Blanc / Source Pètrifiante. After about 35 minutes it reaches the Ilèt river; take a little path wich runs down near the river bed and in about 10 minutes it crosses the Rivière du Mat (start of the canyon of Trou Blanc). Pass over the river following the yellow-red marks showing the variant of the GR R1 path and reach the junction for Source Pètrifiante. The path rises up steeply among the reeds and then it crosses into the valley of the Bras du Parc. 20 minutes more of steep descent and then the path arrives on the left bank of the river, about 100 meters under a beautiful waterfall.

Coming back: after the fall the Bras du Parc flows into the Rivière du Mat. Follow the water of this river for about 15' and reach the fording point already seen during the approaching march. From here go back to the car covering back the approach way.

Copyright © Cica Rude Clan.