
The classical "randonnče aquatique", a series of pools with no major drops, has grown up, becoming a short but interesting descent. Up the little well known pools there is a nice narrow where you can find some abseils and two beautiful dives up to 10 meters. This features and the wonderful surrondings, spotted by the walls of Teghie Liscie, are worth of a detour.


Difficulty: v3 a3 II
Period: april to october
Length: about 0,8 km
Vertical drop: 125 meters (610-485)

6, higher 22 meters

Bolts: first descent - 2008
Duration: 1h 15' approach + 2h descent + 5' coming back
Shuttle: 0 km

1 rope 60 meters long


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Copyright © Cica Rude Clan.