Bras Rouge

Beautiful canyon in a wonderful environment, starting with a narrow slot and ending in a big waterfall.


Difficulty: v4 a3 IV
Period: may to october (dry season)
Length: about 2 km
Alt. Difference: 326 m (1176-850)
Rope Descents: 10, higher 55 m (50 + 5)
Bolts: good - 1998
Duration: 4h 30' descent + 1h coming back
Shuttle: about 3,2 km
Equipment: 2 ropes 60 mt long


Access: take the road heading from Cilaos to Ilet à Cordes and after about 4.5 km park on the bridge crossing the Bras Rouge. The first rope descent starts from the old bridge pier, on the left bank.

Coming back: about 200 m after the last jump, take an evident path on the left bank and follow it until reaching the road to Ilet à Cordes, near the old thermal bath of Cilaos.

Copyright © Cica Rude Clan.